Ports of Aveiro and Figueira da Foz present at Leiria Export Centre

26 OUT. 2023


The Ports of Aveiro and Figueira da Foz will be present at the 5th edition of the Leiria Centro Exportador, which is being held today at the Sant'Ana Market in Leiria.

Eduardo Feio, Chairman of the Board of Directors, will be speaking on the panel entitled "Overcoming Blockages, Doing Business".

Leiria Centro Exportador is an important economic event for the Central Region of Portugal, organised by AAPI - Associação Ação Para Internacionalização, which brings together speakers, companies from different sectors of activity and Chambers of Commerce from 4 continents, with the aim of exchanging know-how and experiences related to the internationalisation of companies and, consequently, doing business.

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